All of this is life-altering…because it’s consciousness-altering. So much to take in, for which I am most grateful!

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I appreciate your responses for what felt like a hastily scribbled essay! We're all a process... and as Pema Chodron writes about, we sometimes need to allow things to fall apart.

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I “found you” in a long comment you made in a CJ Hopkins Substack that I found enormously helpful. I actually copied it into a draft email and today I re-read it and looked on your Substack to find this article which both reproduces it and goes further. These past few months of the Middle East conflict have been so challenging and painfully divisive. The quote you start with captures beautifully what needs to be acknowledged. Yuval Noah Harari speaks about how people can be both victims and perpetrators and we need to be able to “hold” that polarity. You have done this so well in your essay. Thank you!

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Your words mean the world to me, thank you. Sometimes I feel I'm just throwing my essays and poems to the wind and I'm so happy to be "found"!

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